Tag Archives: StartUps

Startup Spain

Recientemente, atendí una charla sobre las diferencias entre España y Silicon Valley. Tras la charla hablé con alguno de los ponentes.

I'm too important
I’m too important


  • Silicon Valley #1: Escuchó muy atentamente y me dio un par de consejos geniales.
  • Silicon Valley #2: Escuchó, jugó un poco con BAG en el móvil, y aún hoy nos cruzamos algún email donde nos ayuda desinteresadamente.
  • SuperStart Español: Ni nos miró a la cara. Al menos, no me escupió…

Curioso que en las conclusiones de la charla se criticase mucho el Ecosistema Español, la legislación, adversidad al riesgo, etc… pero nadie habló de la diferencia de actitud, y la predisposición a ayudar.


PS — Thanks to the many who have kindly helped BAGmovies so far, really appreciated. To those reading this, guess why the “thank you note” goes in English – RT if you agree



Gestores o Líderes

  • Líder = Tiene y comunica una visión.
  • Gestor = Gestiona, implementa y ejecuta.

En isnotTV, tenemos muy claro que necesitamos una visión clara (=líder), y ejecución (=gestor). ¿Es posible que una startup de 4 personas entienda esto, y un gobierno de 47,000.000 personas no?

Señor Político, por favor, cuénteme su visión. Quiero ilusionarme, identificarme, tener una meta, una aspiración, algo por lo que merezca la pena luchar. No me vaya usted a decir que es un Gestor a 4 años vista.

#CuenteSuVision @Politico



Forget Marketing… Really?

I hugely admire people who can package things in an attractive and compelling way. Sean Ellis’ Growth Hacking is an utterly remarkable example. Buzzword demagogic aside, it does provide a sense of purpose, and aligns entire companies around a very clear obsession, Growth. And that, is simply beautiful.

Few weeks ago, a potential investor interrupted my pitch when a slide entitled “Marketing Plan” came up:

“Forget Marketing, isnotTV needs a Growth Hacker”

I decided not to argue about names at the time, but just a quick note on that

  • Growth as a true north, definitely thumbs up, and chapeaux-bas to Sean Ellis for coining such powerful term. Just don’t get carried away by the cool buzzword
  • If you think Marketing is not about Growing sales, leads, etc… I guess you’ve never met a Marketeer (which is surprisingly common). There is an academic universe where people talk about things like awareness, voice share, PR management, etc… But in the real world — just FYI — Marketeers do report to their boards in terms of sales and results. It might not sounds that “cool”, but that’s live.

Geeky Failures & Marketing

Full disclosure, I am not a Geek, I can’t even code. I am just a Marketeer who likes numbers. But working on numbers, I did learn a couple of interesting things about Marketing

  • MumboJumbo SQL Optimisation (aka Amazing failed “product”): Cutting a long story short, any Biddable Media Campaign needs a lot of data management. Frustrated, I spent long nights on my own learning SQL and Access to create my amazing tool, and become the office’s data hero… But turns out no-one likes SQL and complex algorithms controlling their bids. So, no-one ever used it
  • The NoBox (aka Amazing vs. “Usable”): Few months later, the “NoBox” came up: A simplified and more transparent version that suggested bids, but left the final decision to the AMs (Account Managets). Arguably less powerful… but AMs loved it, and used it, which is not unimportant (and I was happy ;p
  • Profitability Profiling (aka Package it): As “new toys” came up, we pitched a stand-alone project for Avis. Super excited, I crafted the most thorough PowerPoint ever, and Wilhelm (my boss) simply said… “It needs a name, what about Profitability Profiling?”. I was selling Numbers & Algorithms, but he knew that’s not what they would buy. And he f***ing nailed it.

This whole adventure lasted a couple of years, and hopefully helps someone crafting a tool. And – sorry to blow the trumpets… – it did give uniquedigital a couple of awards, Best use of Data (Marketing Week Magazine) and a couple of Search Awards!

Ps — Thanks to uniquedigital for being uniquedigital.

Note: My Linkedin does read “Data Intelligence AD @ uniquedigital”, but all of the above happened as evening pet projects when I was Account Manager, not the Data Intelligence guy